How to build a low-energy prefabricated house?
Szykujesz się do budowy rodzinnego gniazdka? Nie inwestuj w przestarzałe rozwiązania konstrukcyjne – koszty prądu rosną z roku na rok, więc już dziś warto pomyśleć o przyszłości! A przyszłość to nasze domy energooszczędne z prefabrykatów warstwowych w technologii Mabudo Eco®. Z wyglądu – zarówno od strony zewnętrznej, jak i wewnętrznej – budynki te są praktycznie nie do odróżnienia od budynków wznoszonych w tradycyjny sposób. Za to sam proces ich powstawania jest znacznie krótszy.
What characterizes an energy-efficient building?
A house, including one made of prefabricated sandwich elements, can be called energy-efficient if its annual demand for energy from non-renewable sources (EUco) necessary for heating and ventilation does not exceed 70 kWh/m2. This requires ensuring a high level of tightness of the building body and minimizing heat losses by performing appropriate insulation of external partitions (walls, roof, floor on the ground, windows and doors).
Another important factor is the selection of devices, the optimal set is a high-performance heat pump, photovoltaics and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. It is also important to remember to locate the building on the property in accordance with the principles of optimal location in relation to the cardinal directions. Low-energy houses made of prefabricated sandwich elements using Mabudo Eco technology allow us to meet the rigorous requirements of WT 2021, making them environmentally friendly and cheap to operate. Below we describe how we managed to achieve this!
How are energy-efficient prefabricated reinforced concrete houses built?
The buildings can be assembled all year round, using ready-made elements that we deliver directly to the construction site. Energy-efficient houses in Mabudo Eco® technology have prefabricated sandwich walls with a layer of insulation from the inside of the building. The only “wet” work that precedes the assembly of individual prefabricated sandwich elements is pouring the foundation strips.
Modern technical solutions for the benefit of you and the environment
The issue of target heating is solved by a heat pump supported by mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, which allows for additional cost reduction. Low-energy prefabricated layered houses have a low-temperature, surface (underfloor) central heating system, supplied with heating water with weather-dependent parameters of 38/30°C in an air-to-water heat pump system. Additionally, the system is equipped with a capacitive heater for the preparation of domestic hot water and to ensure the circulation of hot water in the building.
It is also worth emphasizing that the elements of low-energy houses using Mabudo Eco® technology are manufactured from materials with high resistance to mechanical damage, various weather conditions and the development of fungi and molds, which guarantees the maintenance of the desired functional properties for many years.
Low-energy prefabricated sandwich houses – short investment implementation time
If you want to build a fully functional, energy-efficient house quickly and at a good price, prefabricated concrete buildings will meet all your expectations.
The total investment time can be as short as 4 months, with the assembly of individual elements usually taking no more than a few days. Check out the finished projects on our website and build your dream energy-efficient house – the one you always long for!