Build a lasting competitive advantage for your business!

Benefits for business clients – investors from the construction and real estate sectors cooperating with MABUDO:

Our offer is addressed to investors who want to complete the project in the shortest possible time and at the same time want to provide future users with appropriate living conditions. We build housing estates and multi-family buildings, which are made of prefabricated elements created by us in the production plant in Zduńska Wola and delivered to the site for assembly. You simply will not find a better offer for business!

Build a lasting competitive advantage for your business!

Multi-family buildings and housing estates made of prefabricated elements are a solution increasingly chosen by investors due to the possibilities that this technology provides. Maximum reduction of material consumption and waste production (and thus environmental relief), possibility of construction in a short time, lower costs than in the case of traditionally constructed brick blocks are just some of the benefits for your business associated with using our services. See for yourself what else you can receive!

  • Construction time using MABUDO RAPID® is significantly shortened, so construction costs are also reduced.
  • The closed shell state is achieved faster, and with it the start dates of finishing works are accelerated, no longer dependent on weather conditions. The fluidity of the entire construction process also increases and cooperation between subcontractors is improved.
  • Initial costs are final costs – once established, they remain unchanged until the completion of the works covered by the contract with MABUDO. In this way, the investor avoids cost estimate changes caused by the constant increase in the prices of traditional building materials.
  • Construction work is mostly moved to the factory, which means there is less waste on MABUDO construction sites, and reducing the working time at the construction site minimises the dangers associated with construction work – accidents and rising labour costs.

Benefits for subcontractors

  • MABUDO RAPID® technology allows you to minimize or even eliminate the need to use expensive scaffolding on construction sites.
  • The amount of wet work performed on the MABUDO construction site is significantly reduced compared to traditional construction.

Inspiring examples of companies from our portfolio

MABUDO technology and know-how is behind dozens of projects for housing developers, manufacturing companies and public utility institutions. Here are some of them:

  • URBA GROUP – housing estate SKOWRONIA APARTAMENTS in Krakow (currently 3rd stage)
  • WITMAR S.C. – single-family housing estate OSIEDLE ZIELONE WZGÓRZE in Ustrobna, Podkarpackie Province. We have now completed the first stage of cooperation, 4 houses according to the MAB002 project from the Mabudo House Catalog.

Traditional home building process

Design and

Permits and

Onsite prep

Onsite building

Construction with

Choose your home

Permits and

Onsite prep

Offsite home

Onsite home’s assembly


MABUDO has been a pioneer and leader in the production of buildings from precise finished elements for over 30 years, present on the most demanding European markets. The company creates and builds aesthetically distinctive, durable and modern structures that meet contemporary challenges – energy efficiency, environmental requirements and functionality. MABUDO RAPID® technology allows for the construction time to be shortened by half – and the average construction costs are also reduced proportionally.


Several times smaller participation of construction workers in the works at the stage of implementation of the shell state. The construction site “moves” to our production plant in Zduńska Wola without the need to maintain permanent staff on the investor’s plot.


Maximum reduction of waste during the implementation of the closed shell stage – savings of formwork wood, polystyrene, packaging, etc. of up to 80% is another measurable advantage of construction using the MABUDO RAPID® technology.

Offer of ready-made elements MABUDO RAPID SYSTEM ® for your company: